No juzgues tu dibujo. No pienses si eres buen o mal dibujante. No se trata de dibujar sino de conocer cómo miras lo que dibujas, analiza tu manera de dibujar. Piensa sólo en entender lo que dibujas y en conocerte a ti mismo como dibujante que eres. Sobre todo disfruta. Y si no sabes que dibujar, dibuja lo que tienes delante.
Thursday, 29 September 2016
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Monday, 26 September 2016
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Saturday, 24 September 2016
Mistakes again
My teacher said there are many mistakes. Volumen doesn't exist. His eyes are different, face's shape is wrong because it is too plain and made with lines. Hair is plain. Shadow is made without details, too quickly.
It seems a translation not a proper drawing. I need to think how is it, not translate.
It seems a translation not a proper drawing. I need to think how is it, not translate.
In Spanish: Falta volumen en las sombras. ojos diferentes, pelo sin volumen, perfil de cara muy recto en la barbilla, barbilla sin volumen, sombras realizadas a base de líneas que destacan demasiado. Sombras hechas sin atención. De barbilla para abajo es plano.No traducir, pensar como es y dibujar, es decir no tratar de repetirlo. No es una copia es un dibujo.
Friday, 23 September 2016
Trying to understand definitely.
It's time to catch it up definitely. So I AM GOING TO EXERCISE AGAIN AND AGAIN WORKS TO UNDERSTAND THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG EVERY SINGLE PART OF EACH DRAWING.I am going to simplify everything in pieces and see whole object. If it is necessary I will correct my mistakes in the same exercise.
First stage: located each part.
Second stage: scketch it
Third: draw in detail.
Fourth: Make shadows and highlight.
First stage: located each part.
Second stage: scketch it
Third: draw in detail.
Fourth: Make shadows and highlight.