Saturday, 7 October 2017


I have joined a drawing academy. I think it´s a great opportunity to improve my drawing skills.
I am a person who believes that a learner needs homework because the lesson is not enough to learn.  I am going to work at home that I think I need to improve. My teacher gives me suggestion when I am drawing, at the same time I notice what are my lacks of mistakes. He didn t tell me what I can do but it doen't matter, I am used to learn by myself.
The first thing that I need to practice is the tone. I will try to repeat the tone and secondly I will try to identifie the tone individually.


  1. "The great paintings are the ones with the most subtle value relationships. The closer you could bring your values and still distinguish between them, the stronger you were as a painter" (John F. Carlson)
    Yo me conformo con 'captar' 4 valores diferentes!

  2. Hola Ricardo
    Estoy de acuerdo pero muchas veces la Naturaleza tiene muchos tonos, aunque con cuatro es suficiente quiero dominar la técnica por si me hace falta.
    I agree with you but I need to master the technique because if I want to draw as my eyes catch the Nature it is not enough four tones.
