Trabajo duro, materiales y herramientas, teoría y mezcla del color, referencias, gesto, dirección, orientación, ángulos, peso, masa, estructura, percepción visual, habilidades del dibujo, luz y sombras, tonalidad y sus valores, anatomía, perspectiva y proporciones.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Red pepper

It is a new attept to practise with soft pastels and it has ended up a little better. I notice some errors. Cast shadow is wrong. Maybe it is too long. High light is made of white colour but it is horrible set it. When it was been maden it looked like a brillant final with a simple touch in white. Moreover, at the end it has been a mistake.The edge could be more lineal. My work is a little bit dirty in red. It could be better a colored matbto use soft pastels. Although I grabbed a white sheet because I hadn't a accuracy matboard.
I have fun a lot. I have relaized I am adquire asome skill in diferents medium. I have many goals such as perspective, proportions, shadows, tones. However, I will get them just with my daily effort.

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